267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 Maybe I should have screamed 12 hours earlier.

 meeting the needs as they are communicated to us.

 Mike will be working across a number of programs within Australian cricket with his area of expertise in fielding and throwing.

 Money was not available to do the follow-up.

 motivated to wrap it up.

 My biggest mistake was not recognizing by Saturday that Louisiana was dysfunctional.

 My first words to him were, 'Mr. President, it is my estimation ... at least 90 percent of the population of New Orleans has been displaced. He was truly taken aback by that.

 My God, you mean it is that bad?

 My gut tells me ... this is a bad one and a big one.

 My obligation was to the White House and to make certain that the president understood what was going on and what the situation was. And I did that.

 My point is that the court made a mistake in their analysis. The distinctions in the case were misunderstood and misapplied.

 No. No. I'm still the director of FEMA.

 Paula, the federal Government did not even know about the convention centre people until today.

 People are getting the help they need, ... This is an ongoing disaster. This disaster didn't just end when Katrina left.

 People are getting the help they need.

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