267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 There are certain jobs in government that shouldn’t be political trinkets, ... But FEMA has never been a first responder agency, and they never built themselves up as that.

 There are few cities with so many good as New Orleans and also few cities where there is such a stark coexistence with the bad. It is this city, the Big Easy, that is home to kind and generous and Christian people . . . and yet also this city that has allowed evil to flourish in a way that has become truly dangerous,

 There are lots of contests that give away prizes and money, but we wanted a contest that would change someone's life.

 There is a certain anarchist strain running through the Internet that questions, 'Why shouldn't everything belong to everyone?

 There is no other government agency that reaches people in a more direct way, ... It has been the best job in the world to help Americans in their darkest hours.

 There is no question in my mind, that at the highest levels of the White House they understood how grave the situation was.

 There was a cultural clash that didn't recognize the absolute inherent science of preparing for a disaster. Any time you break that cycle ... you're doomed to failure.

 There were a few stages in the match when the atmosphere was a little bit daunting, but I was able to knuckle down and finish well which was really pleasing.

 There were five trucks arriving (Thursday) night to feed well over 50,000 people. There's less than that there. We're also diverting supplies to the convention center, which I learned about (Thursday). So I understand people's frustrations. But this has been an absolutely catastrophic disaster, and we're doing absolutely everything we can to get the supplies into those folks.

 There's about 36 hours for folks to get ready. Beyond that, it's just too late.

 These demonstrate weaknesses in management and must be addressed as a matter of good practice.

 They are fighting an uphill battle. They wouldn't give me the money and resources to do it.

 They should have had awareness of it because they were receiving the same information that we were.

 They were aware of what was going on.

 They will be processed as rapidly as possible.

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