267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 People want to lash out at me. People want to lash out at FEMA, I say that's fine. Just lash out that's fine, because my job is to continue to save lives, my job is to continue to save people and I'm going to do that.

 People were getting homes, jobs - everybody was getting served one way or another.

 Prior to working as the head of FEMA, I was in charge of horse shows. I know that if you leave alcohol around large, warm-blooded mammals, the results are never pretty. We had to move quickly.

 Right now, that is not our focus.

 So I guess you want me to be the superhero, to step in there and take everyone out of New Orleans.

 So, if Isabel comes onboard, hits land with a lot of rain, which we expect her to do, there's a very good chance of flooding and that's going to cause a lot of problems,

 So, if Isabel comes onboard, hits land with a lot of rain, which we expect her to do, there's a very good chance of flooding and that's going to cause a lot of problems.

 Some of these kids think this is a game. They somehow got their hands on a weapon. They think they are playing Pac-Man or something and shooting at people.

 Something that most people may not realize is that more than 50 percent of the deaths in a hurricane occur because of flooding, and right now the entire Eastern Seaboard -- all the way from North Carolina up through New Jersey and New York -- the ground is just saturated.

 St. Bernard represents one of the big problems down there, which is that the needs of smaller communities are getting lost in the maze of federal red tape and placed behind those of larger communities, such as New Orleans.

 Thank you for your consideration in helping us meet our responsibilities in this near catastrophic event.

 Thanks for update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?

 That's a generic rule. I don't know if it applies to Bush,

 That's something we need to look at because, ... when you have 100,000 folks that either can't get out, they don't have the transportation, we need to work with the cities to make certain there's a way to get those people out or at least put them in areas that can be safe.

 That's the president's decision. He assessed the situation.

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