267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 That's why I now have complete cooperation from the military, ... I have everything I need to ramp this up and do what we have to do to secure New Orleans, to take this urban area and make certain it's secure, get people out of here, and start the recovery process.

 The concept is to get them some cash in hand which allows them, empowers them, to make their own decisions about what do they need to have to start rebuilding.

 The concept is to get them some cash on hand which allows them, empowers them to make their own decisions about what do they need to have to repair their own lives,

 The concept is to get them some cash on hand, which empowers them to make their own decisions about what do they need to have to repair their own lives.

 The construction of this sidewalk on a dead-end lane is a complete waste of taxpayers' money.

 The current structure at FEMA is not going to allow him to succeed.

 The current structure of FEMA is not going to allow anyone to succeed. It just cannot be done.

 The federal government did not even know about the convention center people until today.... Now is not the time to be blaming.

 the first few days were a natural disaster. The last four days were a man-made disaster.

 The flooding is just everywhere... New Orleans, all through Mississippi and Alabama,

 the single largest mobilization of emergency response and recovery resources in history.

 The supply and demand balance just doesn't exist right now. I've been looking at the listing services to see where the market might be headed but there's no consistency.

 The total lack of communication. The inability to hear and have good intelligence on the ground about what was occurring there, ... We had to actually take teams out yesterday because of the dangerous situation they were in. That's very frustrating not only to me but those teams. Those medical teams want to help save lives and the thugs and the others that are causing the problem are actually making it more difficult. So we had to pull them out for a while. They want to go back in. They're going back in.

 the total lack of communications, the inability to hear and have good intelligence on the ground about what was actually occurring there.

 The worst impact was down in North Carolina along the Outer Banks, ... We've had 4,000 people or so who didn't evacuate; a lot of building collapses, urban search-and-rescue teams in there.

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