Coach Zaleski taught me a lot my first year in Louisville, ... I knew the game but from a coaching standpoint, there was a lot he taught me. Zaleski took the head coaching job in Albany. He wanted me to come with him. At the time, Louisville was in a transition. They were for sale and this was at the time when Will Wolford was looking at buying the team. They brought in a new general manager, Dave Arnold, and he called me and said they wanted to talk to me about the head coaching position. I met with Will Wolford then as well. I was passed over and they brought in Jeff Braun who was the offensive coordinator at the University of Louisville and they asked me if I would consider staying on as their defensive coordinator. It was a tough decision to make. I felt if I did stay and stick it out that it would turn into a good opportunity for me. Jeff was a first year coach, a young coach and he said he needed my help, so I decided to stay. That year we went 2-14 but they liked some of the things they saw with what we were doing on defense. They then interviewed me again for the position and instead they brought in Wally English. There was a situation I didn't mind because of his experience. He has great credentials. I couldn't come close to having what he has. That decision was not so tough to take. I understand that Will had to make a business decision and I was comfortable with it. So again, I was asked to stay on as defensive coordinator. Through all of that, I got to know Will Wolford...what he stood for, what he wanted with the team. Will is the most non-selfish guy I know.
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