23 ordspråk av Tyoka Jackson

Tyoka Jackson

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 The play is designed to get all the way outside on the defense and outrun everybody.

 They're well-coached, and they don't make a lot of mistakes. You don't see a lot of blown blocks. You don't see them on the ground a lot. And that's the mark of a good offensive line. ... You're going to have to beat 'em with good, sound technique and brute force.

 This was just like this whole season's been,

 We feel like it's a big game for a lot of reasons. The least of all is . . . the name Kurt Warner.

 We're going to get him ready and knowing Big O, it won't take him much to get ready.

 When you've got the best offensive lineman in the league you want to see him in uniform,

 Which is pretty darn good, isn't it? Give me the same old Leonard and I'll be fine with that.

 You can't allow yourself to be locked up because you're worried about who you're playing against.

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