Political elections are a good deal like marriages, there's no accounting for anyone's taste |
Politicians are dumb, but they can count to 50% plus 1. |
Politicians can do more funny things naturally than I can think of to do purposely |
Politicians, after all, are not over a year behind public opinion. |
Politics ain't worrying this country one-tenth as much as where to find a parking space |
Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated. |
Politics has got so expensive that it takes lots of money to even get beat with. |
Politics is applesauce. |
Popularity is the easiest thing in the world to gain and it is the hardest thing to hold |
Prohibition is better than no liquor at all. |
Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth |
Say as little as possible while appearing to be awake. |
See what will happen if you don't stop biting your fingernails? |
Senators are a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement. |
Shrewdness in Public Life all over the World is always honored, while honesty in Public Men is generally attributed to Dumbness and is seldom rewarded. |