6 ordspråk av Alan Hudson

Alan Hudson

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 If there's a stated benchmark and if you're the doctor of a patient (who has to wait) beyond that benchmark, who's liable for that? ... I don't know what the answer to that question is.

 In a broad context - hips and knees and all the rest of it - there's very little evidence,

 It is very important that customer orders are fulfilled and we are working with the supplier base, which is being very supportive, to achieve this.

 Most Ontarians don't mind waiting a reasonable time for treatment. What they don't like is having somebody jump ahead of them.

 What we're trying to do is change the whole system of health care delivery.

 [This flood of new data is meant to tell patients what they need to know to take greater control of their own care. Being able to pinpoint where waits are shortest is expected to encourage them to move around more inside their provinces. And if the wait-tracking sites evolve to let easy comparisons be made among provinces, some doctors predict growing pressure from patients who want to travel to another province for treatment. As the rise of Internet wait-times disclosure shifts power to patients, it's also bound to keep the pressure on politicians and hospital administrators.] What the public is going to see initially is that the wait times are coming down, ... If they ever start to go back up again, all hell is going to break loose.

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