29 ordspråk av Alfred Huger

Alfred Huger

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 Often that's done by breaking into the Web site to place the malicious software there, so your site can become an unwitting hosting site and you don't even know it.

 Oracle is getting more attention. There are some really sharp people credited with finding some of these vulnerabilities.

 really insidious because once you've visited the sites, you won't know you've been broken into.

 The more you see the Mac platform being adopted, the more you will find vulnerabilities.

 The skill level required to exploit it is very low. Pretty much anyone can do it.

 There's obviously an ego here that needs to be satisfied.

 These [hackers] aren't kids on a digital joyride, ... It's clear their motive is financial gain.

 This is a good thing.

 This is yet another example of the continuing spread of malicious code onto other platforms. While there is no known exploit at this time, users are encouraged to turn off the 'Open safe files after downloading option' in their Safari browsers and watch for further information from Apple.

 When we start to see exploits surfacing, we know there will shortly be malicious code, ... We expect at least the MSDTC vulnerability to be used in a worm in the short term.

 When we start to see exploits surfacing, we know there will shortly be malicious code. We expect at least the MSDTC vulnerability to be used in a worm in the short term.

 You're giving a gift, so finish that process. If you configure it for them, your sweat is in it.

 [August 2003 forced Symantec to reevaluate its assumption that it would need to deal with only one threat at a time. That led to significant changes in the company's thinking about the depth and quality of its staffing.] You have to make sure you have competent, trained reserve staff waiting on the bench, ... because the frontline analysts can only work so long before they start to burn out.

 [Fixes to] the stuff last month came three weeks too late, but it's better late than never. When detailed information about vulnerabilities is released, people move to exploit it.

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