422 ordspråk av Barry Hyman

Barry Hyman

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 These companies' businesses haven't collapsed like tech companies' did. But they've withered and they're losing their reputations and their investor bases.

 These last few days have been consolidation, off of a good employment report and almost six weeks of gains.

 They (the Fed) did indicate that there could be further cuts and that was something Wall Street was starting to believe wasn't going to be the expected outcome. This is part of the recovery process. It's not going to happen immediately but this is the Fed understanding the weakness in the economy.

 They bought a lot of branches from Fleet, when they merged with Fleet Boston, ... I think you can look for 30 percent gains in that stock for the next two year.

 They'll (Cisco) express write-off concerns but I think we're looking at very similar stories like the other ones ? things are not improving greatly but we have better visibility. And I think the market is starting to react to that scenario.

 They're (investors) getting more confident in the economy yet I still say this is more of a psychological bottom put into effect, ... There's a good reason to believe that some profit-taking is in order ahead of the NAPM (National Association of Purchasing Mangers) numbers.

 They're (investors) looking for the Fed to be absolutely aggressive and see the economy as slow as can be and to be measured in terms of understanding how important the consumer is at this point. And how important the stock market is to consumer confidence.

 They're down around 15 to 20 percent from their highs. You've got an opportunity to buy some of these bank stocks at decent values here.

 This almost assures the fact that we'll see an interest rate hike in November,

 This is a continuation of last week's decline and it's picking up in intensity. There is little rotation as we see the commodity complexes taking a huge hit. It looks worse than it actually is, but still it will require a lot of work technically to right the damage.

 This is a market that goes down on sentiment and goes up on excessive fear, ... There was excessive fear and a deflationary picture. Markets will rally on excessive fear and it seems to be an end-of-the-week technical rally.

 This is a market that goes down on sentiment and goes up on excessive fear. There was excessive fear and a deflationary picture. Markets will rally on excessive fear and it seems to be an end-of-the-week technical rally.

 This is a market that is assuming everything is going to get better. There's been too much commentary by the chairmen of these companies that these problems are inventory but everything is based on a turn of the economy ? that's what the Fed is there for.

 This is a time to be very diversified and avoid taking chances. Sometimes being a spectator is not a bad idea.

 This is clearly a number on wage inflation that the market did not want to see. It's clearly disturbing to see wages at this level and I think it's going to weigh on the market for some time.

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