422 ordspråk av Barry Hyman

Barry Hyman

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 This puts 5.25% on the fed funds rate back on the table. It's not the job of anyone to interpret what a market's reaction to a comment will be. This has added volatility on a day-to-day basis, so opinions can change that quickly when they shouldn't. It's great to be flexible, but it's not healthy to investors.

 This story is a little bit surprising in terms of the players, not in terms of the deal.

 Today (Wednesday), the market is just hanging in there. You're getting some good positive movement amid the lack of any negative news.

 Today is a momentum player's dream. The market has a lot to deal with and today could have been worse.

 Today is the next to last day of the quarter and window dressing gets more aggressive.

 Today will be a test of the market to see how it handles some negative news in the tech sector, Dell being that test.

 Today's market is comforting in that it's back a bit, but it just doesn't have the feel of yesterday having made a bottom.

 Today, the catalyst in technology was the report that PC sales in the second quarter slowed. The PC sector feeds into the semiconductor sector, which feeds into other parts of technology.

 Traders are dominating this market when investors are just waiting for these pre-releases to really reveal what these companies look like. We're just waiting for the first signs of a turn and there's little optimism as we go through this pre-release season and no one is focusing on the second-half of the year (2001).

 Traders are just lightening their positions a little bit. The holidays are compressing the activity and I think most of the (options) rolling over you saw yesterday.

 Trading is going to be dominated by waiting for the Federal Reserve Board. We still expect the Fed to go a quarter of a percentage point, and no change in language.

 Trying to pick a trend in this market is impossible. Friday's action was anemic, and today there's anticipation of a stronger earnings season. Other than short-term traders, it's hard to negotiate a market that is so narrow in range. We're at least stable for now, but there hasn't been a trend for over a month.

 We do think growth is going to be the place to be again,

 We don't have a predominance of negative news, day-to-day, in terms of economic events.

 We don't look for a (rate hike) next week, but possibly one in August.

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