Garages are designed to fail, |
I do the ride because I can. There are so many others who can't. |
I don't believe my clients will accept mediation in this matter. |
I think Mom just had it in the living room. We're going to have to do some research. |
I'd like to see the boys finish in the top half of the class. And the girls I want to score as a team. |
If the water bill goes through, we got a shot at getting this funding in the water bill. If the water bill doesn't go - it'll be the same results as the corps. |
It proposes to exploit the Carrizo Aquifer just as the Edwards Aquifer is being exploited. Because of the exploitation of the Carrizo and the Edwards, that plan puts the Guadalupe basin at risk and because of that unacceptable risk, I'm going to vote no on the plan. |
It was a request we kept hearing again and again. They see a lot of people with dental problems and have nowhere to refer them. |
It was very moving for me to start on the ride today because I never thought I would be here. |
The corps could potentially be a participant (in a project). |
The Texas Water Development Board planning criteria requires current projects proposed as part of the Senate Bill 1 regional (water) planning effort to identify a source, or sources of funding. |
We are very pleased with the ruling. We're glad to be focusing on doing our job of supplying people with water rather than spending time in the courthouse. |
We can't get any money in the corps' budget. |
We have never disputed this. This would at least allow (the) project to obtain some funding, if it became available. However, given the current tight state budget, the odds of the state financing any, or part of any, project in the current State Water Plan are very low. In fact, the odds are so low that it is not worth talking about. |
We're just trying to be good neighbors. |