9 ordspråk av Bob Hurley

Bob Hurley

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 From what I can tell, it's a good deal for the city, where we can wind up with four soccer fields replacing one, for instance.

 He didn't think he was good enough, and he was ready to give up on himself. The supporting cast around him had a lot of question marks, but we knew what we were getting from Dave. But he wasn't happy with himself.

 He typifies the kind of kids I've been coaching, someone who's a worker rather than someone who's gifted.

 He was putting too much pressure on himself. Instead of just being the best Dave Bullock he could be, he was trying to do so much more. He was blaming himself when things didn't go right. Whatever he was doing, he felt it wasn't good enough.

 He'll do a very good job at practice with the big men at Seton Hall. He knew how to play, and he's going to be able to transfer that to players. Growing up around here and playing at St. Anthony, he'll be able to recruit in the metropolitan area.

 His self-esteem wasn't high, and he was trying to reflect too much on the things he didn't do well. He had no idea that he was that good of a player. He just needed to be himself. Everything else would have been fine.

 I think David is at peace with his own game now. He was too worried about himself and worried about others. He's a very quiet kid who doesn't say much. Maybe early on, he wasn't comfortable being a leader. But I think he feels good about who he is right now.

 No doubt, it's on his mind, but he should be fine. He's one of the truly best athletes we've ever had. He's become a leader because he plays so hard and everyone respects him. I think we'll wait until the end of the season to see what he's going to do about college.

 That will be matched, we hope, with anywhere from $350,000 to $500,000 of state dollars.

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