23 ordspråk av Ann Hurley

Ann Hurley

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 All I can see is just continued bottom fishing,

 Certainly the price components were a bit problematic,

 Given the jawboning we have had from the Fed about concern of inflation, I think the market is just playing it precautionary before the Fed meeting,

 Given what's going on in the economy and the war risks, I expect corporate spreads to widen, ... Maybe they won't get trashed like equities, but some deterioration is likely.

 He has definitely left the door open for further easing. 'Mixed' isn't good enough for the Fed. so I think the odds are significantly greater now than they were just a half-hour ago that the Fed could potentially ease at the January meeting,

 I can't say that I would I see them doing an inter-meeting [rate cut], but if the economic statistics continue to come in on the weak side, I would think we would see an easing in September,

 If he did want to go in that inflation targeting direction, it would be a radical change at the Fed. It would be very difficult and I don't see it forthcoming any time soon,

 Last week we moved a lot. The market is just correcting and waiting for more time-sensitive data

 Oil is definitely a factor, ... People are concerned about its impact not just on growth here, but on global growth.

 Rising oil prices are being looked at as a further weight on global growth as opposed to inflationary,

 That opens up the door wide for an easing,

 The increase in oil prices is going to be problematic to the consumer as well as higher home heating costs, which are going to come this winter,

 The market's deteriorated far worse than I expected, ... Everything is reacting much more violently than you would have thought -- which probably means there's more trouble to come.

 The Treasury market will initially trade off oil and gasoline prices on Monday,

 There is a lot of concern about oil and its impact on growth in the U.S. and globally, and that's a huge wild card,

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