508 ordspråk av Bruce Bochy

Bruce Bochy

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 Obviously he's not locked in at the plate. He's a guy that's come through many times for us. (Third base) is the last place you want to hit that ball.

 Obviously, we'd like to start getting some pinch hits.

 Obviously, we're looking at at least a couple of months. They feel they can get his strength back before the end of the season.

 Once he gave up the home run, we really didn't create any opportunities there. He was on top of his game. Sometimes you run into a well-pitched game, and I think that was the case more than anything tonight.

 One thing we are lacking is power, ... It would be big if we could get him going.

 One thing you want to get is good swings. It looks like we have gotten a little defensive. I think some guys have lost some confidence. For us to be in a rut this long, it shouldn't happen.

 Our bullpen struggled. That was the difference in the game.

 Our guy [Young] threw very well tonight, and we came up with some big hits.

 Our objective is to get to the playoffs and play good baseball. We'll figure that out once that happens.

 Our starters have the ability to work out of the bullpen.

 Overall I thought it was a pretty good effort by Chris. We made some mistakes at the back end.

 Overall we played well. We did a lot of good things.

 Overall, that was one of the best plays I've ever seen.

 Pedro has pitched great for us. He's a guy we need down the stretch.

 Pedro pitched very well. You know you have your work cut out when you face him, and he was on top of his game and shut us down.

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