508 ordspråk av Bruce Bochy

Bruce Bochy

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 People forget that Woody pitched well down the stretch. We expected him to bounce back this year. He's in great shape. This will be a better year for him.

 Petey has stepped in and thrown as well as anybody in our rotation. That's a great acquisition for us.

 Pitching was great tonight - outstanding. We just had too many missed scoring opportunities.

 Ramon (Hernandez) told Jake that Reggie was probably swinging,

 Roberts said it wasn't as bad as the last time he pulled the quad,

 Ryan has a good eye and a good on-base percentage.

 Ryno is a presence, a force, ... When he's right, he can carry the ballclub. I thought he swung pretty good [on Monday night, going 1-for-3]. He needs to quit breaking it down [mentally] and go up there and let it go. When you struggle, you're getting ideas from everybody. He needs to keep it simple.

 Ryno's come off a pretty good week. He knocked in some runs. I don't want to let him get rusty after coming off a pretty good week.

 San Diego is a military town, and this is our small way of showing our appreciation to our armed forces. Honestly, doing this is an honor.

 Sanders killed us. He had a big series.

 Scouts say he was the best second baseman in the [Pacific Coast League].

 Sometimes it's better off not executing, I guess. Johnson, I mean, he crushed that ball. That's huge at that point. It gave us a comfortable lead, because we were trying to let them back in.

 Sometimes the ball doesn't bounce your way. The infield hits (four versus Estes), there's not much you can do about that.

 Sometimes you wonder why the only luck we have is bad luck, ... But you move on.

 Sometimes you're better off missing a sign. You hit a triple and get another run in.

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