508 ordspråk av Bruce Bochy

Bruce Bochy

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 They're going to do what they feel they need to do and so will we. You have to keep your focus on the game, and the guys did a great job of it.

 They're going to need a break, though. Tomorrow we're going to do it by committee. They've been throwing a lot here in the last three days.

 They've got a great outfield and it won the game for them tonight. Shoot, they made a couple great defensive plays that changed the game.

 This guy is an impact player. I think this was a big signing for us. I've always admired how Mike plays the game. He plays the game hard and he plays it right.

 This has gone on quite a while now. It's probably the longest one I've seen a club go through. Hopefully, when we come out of it, we'll come out if it for a long time, too.

 This is a black eye for baseball, no question. It would be nice to get rid of it and move on.

 This is a good lineup, and it's going to score some runs. I don't know who would have scored runs tonight (off Webb). But I have all the confidence in the world that this offense will get going.

 This is something he's earned. He's pitched very well, and we're looking for a good season from him.

 This isn't going to get it, this offense,

 This kid's makeup is off the charts, ... We're excited to have Jake all ready to go.

 This never gets old. I love watching the guys do this.

 This upset a lot of our players. And I don't blame them.

 This was one of those games where you've got to shower, wash it off, and come back and be ready for the next one.

 Those are things we discuss on a daily basis. I'd be lying if I said there was not some concern.

 To be honest with you, I sure hope so. They have a heck of a team over there.

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