317 ordspråk av Buck Showalter

Buck Showalter

Buck Showalter föddes den May 23rd 1956
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 Yesterday wore him out. I think the thing that wore him out was talking to so many people.

 You always want to get off to a good start. This would be just another reason to want that.

 You don't do what he has done over a long period of time and not have some mental toughness.

 You have to realize that a lot of years have to pass before the track records and resumes make you feel real comfortable so it's not a given.

 You hope he pitches well enough to make us keep him.

 You know how there's talk every year about the winter meetings and then people come away disappointed because not much happened? I think this is going to be the year to make all of those people happy.

 You like having a guy like Coco around him. I'm sure he will have a lot of questions along the way. Coco is not going to point him toward any shortcuts.

 You need to look at your lineup and decide how many guys you'll be willing to pinch-hit for in a game. You like to have speed on your bench, but in the AL you can have a more one-dimensional player, guys who can hold the fort and can play if one of your players is out for a couple of weeks.

 You probably average about five spots that teams are trying to shake out, where you can be swayed one way or another.

 You stay with it. But at some point, you have to get returns for the opportunities they are given.

 You talk about therapy for him. It's therapy for us to see someone who's a big part of the Rangers family in our clubhouse.

 You think about the years and the number of people who have played this game. When somebody says, '... the history of the game,' that's special. Somebody does not have to tell us to know we have an impressive group.

 You'll miss their presence. Maybe we should get a life-size picture of them and put it in front of their locker.

 [GM] John [ Hart ] told me this winter he couldn't envision us removing his personality from this team after we'd already lost Eric Young and Brian Jordan .

 [Hicks] is very positive and he's very grounded. Tom is a good man. He has a good heart about the Rangers.

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