32 ordspråk av Charles Crane

Charles Crane

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 Most analysts expect it to be a bumpy earnings season. A few negative surprises could cause a little indigestion for stocks.

 My broad advice is to concentrate on individual issues as opposed to trying to predict where the market is going. Making market calls is of very little value whatsoever.

 News of some sort of explosion over in the Middle East was conveniently coincidental with the market downturn, so I've got to think that had something to do with it.

 Next week I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the bulls will come back from the beach and do a little buying.

 Of course I'll look at it; it will be useful information.

 Second quarter earnings are very likely to be satisfactory in aggregate. A number of visible companies have warned of disappointments, but they are the exception rather than the rule. Earnings growth will probably be in the high-teens range when everything is tallied up.

 The growth end seems expensive and the value end doesn't look good either. The overall market has been well supported by enthusiasm for technology but the gloss has been tarnished on the whole technology juggernaut.

 The irony of all this summer rally is that the more vigorous it gets the higher the odds are that Mr. Greenspan continues to tighten the screws. And whether that will then lead to a more severe hangover the next morning is what we're all wrestling with.

 The market behaved worse than most anticipated going into this period because the conditions of the economy were worse than any of us judged it to be. Earnings were revised down steadily and that kind of downward revision was not tolerated well.

 The market is extremely high-strung right now and it's going to react excessively to any news, good or bad. Next week is what I consider to be one of the market's critical weeks. It's going to be a busy week.

 The market is looking beyond the event to the future and is anticipating that the Fed has done enough to achieve its goals and we will enjoy a soft landing.

 The sector that will lead the pack is energy. All energy prices are high. And as one domino falls, many other tend to follow. The oil service sector will enjoy the benefits of higher oil prices too.

 The sooner we can line up company A against company B and have some modicum of evidence the books have been prepared in a similar fashion, the better off the market is going to be. Even if the bottom line ends up looking mighty lean.

 There doesn't seem to be any one trigger. The idea of technology being such a high growth area is true but maybe revenue growth isn't as robust as anticipated. It's more one of anxiety by investors that evidence is mounting the Fed may need to be more aggressive.

 We've had a lot of good news in the last couple of months. Most recently, we had the Fed hold the line, we had another employment report that was reasonable and now we've had gold plunge -- all of which have been encouraging to the bond market. Stocks have come along with the bond market.

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