27 ordspråk av Colin Morton

Colin Morton

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 The emerging markets are where Europe was five to seven years ago.

 The life insurers are finding that some of the new products they sell are not making anywhere near the margins their older products used to make.

 The long-term question is if they can get extra revenues out of these services. I'm not convinced.

 There just seems to be a new deal every day. M&A activity is driving the market.

 These (infrastructure) companies have a very consistent income stream, and they are borrowing money relatively cheaply at the moment.

 These companies should, touch wood, have a guaranteed growth pool, because people will have to save more for their retirement.

 They are doing a very good job of controlling costs, which is what you want when things are a bit tougher.

 They're good numbers, with both the UK and international figures a touch ahead of what people were expecting.

 This is no real surprise -- had been groomed to take over the job. What is more interesting is why Crosby has decided to go now. Maybe he felt it was time to go, or was it a case of giving it to Hornby now or else he would go somewhere else?

 We like these stocks. You can have more confidence in the profits.

 We've seen quite good sales figures from all the UK life insurance stocks. It looks like people are buying savings products once more and the sector seems to be performing relatively well again now after a tough few years.

 You can't argue with 29 percent growth in worldwide new business.

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