17 ordspråk av Curtis Strange

Curtis Strange

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 He's just been somebody you look up to, ... We all know he's not going to play much after this if any. He's not going to be around much longer, so any time you get a chance to be around him or have a beer with him, it's nice.

 I always wondered why I didn't do it longer, ... What happened? I know what happened. It seems like I was way too young to give up on it. I didn't give up on it; I had an opportunity to do TV. I don't think you ever sit back and think, 'Damn, I was good.' Because I wasn't that good. People beat me every day. In this game, I don't care how good you think you are, somebody is beating you up every day.

 I haven't been playing very well, but nobody cares but my wife. It's good to be under par for the start.

 I hit some awful shots. I still hit some awful shots. But at least they're a little better. The first week, the Golf Channel was all over me. I said, 'God, just leave me alone. Let me drown by myself.'

 I know he doesn't like the word 'ceremonial,'

 I think it's a wonderful honor and privilege to be called that. But you do it to his face. I ain't doing it.

 I wasn't playing well, and I fought my swing forever, and I was sick of it, and I was getting worse and said, 'To hell with it,'

 I'll play if I'm playing well. But if I'm playing half-crappy and wear myself out, I'll take time off.

 I'm looking forward to next year, ... If I can eliminate just my water balls next year, I'll do better. That's no promise, but I'm looking forward to it.

 It's a whole different feeling being here this year versus last year, just from the standpoint of being more comfortable with my game, my surroundings and playing again. I sat here last year and said it was going to take awhile, and it did. I think it took a little longer than I anticipated. Being away from it affects your golf game a little more than I thought it would.

 It's nice to get under par and play with house money for a change. You can love a place, but you still have to perform.

 It's the home run. The long reception in football, I guess. It's the big thing.

 Last year I didn't have much of a game. I knew it. Nobody else would listen. I hadn't played in a while. The attention I had was because I was the new kid on the block. I wanted to come in under the radar, but being a new arrival it doesn't work like that.

 The tragedy in America caused us all to reflect and evaluate our own lives and relationships with family and friends. The PGA of America's decision to postpone the matches is very appropriate in light of the situation.

 Well, ... it's a little while ago.

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