4 ordspråk av Mal Strange

Mal Strange

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 Every one of these kids can hit the ball well. I have to cut eight kids to get down to 14 and they are making it tough on me.

 I think we're stronger than ever. The members of this team are just great kids who are always helping each other in the hopes of becoming better golfers.

 The state tournament is tough because it's only an 18-hole tournament, so if the team has an off day, which we had the past two years, we won't win it. These kids want to keep their record going, but the No. 1 goal is to win the state tournament.

 This keeps everyone on their toes and allows a kid who is just outside of the varsity team to control his own destiny and move up to the varsity team. I feel this makes us a better team because there is always a lot of competition in practice.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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