31 ordspråk av Emeka Okafor

Emeka Okafor

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 After that first day I questioned whether or not basketball was for me.

 As far as them believing in me, it makes me feel good.

 At times they were playing so long out there. Ostertag (7-foot and 280 pounds) is just hard to move. Once you run around him, he's already got the ball in his hands.

 He told me, `I'm giving you the whole package,'

 I like challenges. The fact that he's 7-feet, a completely mobile guy, it's going to pump me up.

 I looked and Vince Carter, he played like 20-something games one year. I looked at everybody and a lot of high-profile players have missed a lot of games. A lot of them bounced back. So I can think to myself, 'OK, they did it, so I can do it,? and I don?t feel like the biggest loser.

 I think he understands what great talent we have, but he's doing a good job keeping us grounded. The ranking is not going to carry us to the championship game on April 5. We have to live up to it.

 I think I stepped on somebody's foot. I'm not in too much pain, but I really can't move (the ankle).

 I think it's just a testament to how good of a coach and person he is. He can't make us run suicides or punish us for not being here. We wanted to do this. We wanted to be here to show our appreciation. He's a great guy and a great coach and everybody's here to show love for him.

 I try to dissect it, I try to cut it up, I try to analyze; I don't know. I busted my [butt] this summer, but I'm not getting the results I thought I'd get. Not at all.

 I'm obviously disappointed. As a player you want to be out there playing hard, having fun in front of our fans. But the situation is what the situation is.

 I'm obviously disappointed. The player in me, the competitor in me wants to be out there with my teammates fighting hard and out there having fun playing ball in front of our fans. But the situation is what the situation is. You have to act accordingly.

 I've never really had a solid, legitimate post game where I felt comfortable with my back to the basket. I could fake it, but my confidence wasn't that high. Now I'm getting it because I have something to work with.

 If that's the way he feels, so be it. I have thick skin. My feelings are not going to be hurt. He's got to make the best decision for him.

 If you don't think you can make the playoffs, then what's the point of even stepping on the court to begin with? Will we make the playoffs? Who knows? But that's our mentality.

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