31 ordspråk av Emeka Okafor

Emeka Okafor

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 If you fill your team with people that are used to winning, the tendency is that they will get the team to win, somehow, someway, eventually,

 It made me feel real special, all warm inside,

 It seemed almost surreal. I'd envisioned myself in this position a million times, and yet it didn't feel like it was really happening.

 It was a very difficult game to play in, ... I was hurting. I was trying to tough it out, but I was really limited. I wasn't as mobile as I normally was.

 It was eating me up inside. My first time in the Final Four, I didn't want to miss a minute. I was going to miss 16.

 My back is fine. I've been working out [in Los Angeles], and there's no pain at all.

 The energy was crazy, ... I wasn't expecting that at all.

 The season was on the line.

 The things Hakeem does, you can't just watch a tape and pick up the move. This was the first time he taught it, and it's hard to teach someone else something you did so naturally. The problem was, if you do something minutely off -- even the way you spin or the way your arm might come out -- he'd have to say, 'No, that's not the move. The move is this.' And you have to do it precisely.

 This place is incredible. I'm just happy we have a place that everybody likes. The other place was not good at all.

 This year we are playing with the same heart we had last year. That, and experience. And confidence. Last year we would have come back and then lost the game by two.

 To be at the point I am right now is just crazy to me,

 We had some defensive lapses early in the game and then we found a way to get back into the game. Then we fell apart at the end. We played hard, but I'm not big on taking positives from losses like this.

 We just lose focus or whatever. We play with emotion, but sometimes we seem to get into lulls.

 We've got a winning record -- hooray! We're getting off to a good start this year. Last year we would have come back in the game and then lost.

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