426 ordspråk av Geno Auriemma

Geno Auriemma

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 We hope to improve on what was a very, very disappointing year last year. My fans are adamant that if we're 25-8 again next year, heads are going to roll.

 We know we are capable of scoring a lot of points. And in the NCAA tournament, all you need is to score one more point than the other team. That is the beauty of the tournament.

 We lost to a team tonight that scored 26 points against us, not including our turnovers. They scored 22 points off our turnovers and finished with 48. They shot 20-something (26.3) percent from the floor, and we lose the game. That's probably the most incredible stat you'll ever see in your life.

 We needed some time. The only days we did anything was Friday and Saturday. Both of the days were more of just getting our heads rather than our bodies ready. We had a talk last night with the team and a lot of really good things came out.

 We needed to get a big lead and execute to withstand the pressure that was coming. That's the way we've beaten them in the past. But we let one play go into another into another and it just completely got away from us.

 We played almost well enough to win. We were almost good enough to win. Almost enough guys played heroically for us. But it wasn't enough. If we had played a lesser team, it might have been enough. But the team we played was too good to be almost good enough against.

 We played pretty good defense and took good care of the ball and got people involved in offense that we wanted to get involved. We got the right shot at the right time. We accomplished a lot.

 We put ourselves in position to win with two minutes left and we didn't do it. A lot of that responsibility falls on my shoulders.

 We struggled with our regular stuff, so we never did get a chance to unveil our top-secret, super-sensitive, highly classified offense. That might be one of those experiments that never gets off the ground.

 We tried five different people on her. Nobody could guard her. She made all kinds of shots. She's a hell of a player.

 We want everybody to be one of the top players in the league, and it's not out of the realm of possibly to do that. We've got all the ingredients. It's just a matter of doing it.

 We were closer to `Let's be professional and knock it out,' ... That bodes well, because there's a lot that I'm expecting from them, maturity-wise and being able to handle adversity a little bit better. I think circumstances will have to present themselves, and we'll judge for ourselves whether we've made that jump.

 We were lousy. I told the players the one good thing that game out of this was we won the game. Other than that I can't think of really anything that came out of this that was good.

 We weren't sure whether or not it was real serious or mildly serious or whatever. When we got back, it was X-rayed and there's no fractures. It's just a bad ankle sprain and she's definitely out for Saturday and then we'll take it from there.

 We're 18-2 and it doesn't feel that way. I don't feel overly comfortable or ecstatic. I just like where we are right now, but I know that there's a lot in front of us, so I'm not ready to make any defining statements yet. We've played pretty good basketball, but I don't know that we've played an exceptional game at both ends. So I think there's a lot of room for improvement, a lot of room for growth.

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