426 ordspråk av Geno Auriemma

Geno Auriemma

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 When she's calm, she knows where she's going and we get her in the right spot. I don't think there's anyone in the country that I would trust to make a big shot more than her.

 When you get to be a senior, a certain amount of responsibility falls on your shoulders, like all of it. Everything that happens on our team, you're responsible for it and you can't not take responsibility for it just because you're not playing. ... I think (Turner) understands that now and she was really different the last couple of days in practice.

 When you look at the total work that [Strother] has done in the four years that she's been here, her and Diana are the only ones who have been able to accomplish some things that she's accomplished.

 When you lose this game, there's nothing worse. There's nothing worse because this is the game that gets you to the place where all good things can happen. This is the hardest hurdle to get over, because you need 12 more months then to get back here and you didn't put yourself in a position to win the national championship.

 Whenever we have to walk the ball up and attack teams in the half court, it's not easy for us, because we don't have the huge inside presence that can make teams collapse. I'm constantly urging us to run.

 Whenever we have to walk the ball up and try to attack teams in their half court, it?s not easy for us, because we don?t have a huge inside presence. So I?m constantly urging us to run.

 Whereas before, we didn't know whether we could go on a run like that and get up big on some teams. Now we know that. And we also know that if they come back, we've got what it takes to finish the job. Whether we do or not next time we're in that situation, I don't know. I don't think anybody comes through 100 percent of the time. ... As long as we have a chance to win with three minutes to go, I like our chances.

 Whether it's Phoenix or whether it's any other team in that league, they're not going to offer me more money than I'm making at Connecticut. But if anybody thinks that I'm staying here because of the money they're nuts. I didn't come here for the money and I'm not going to stay here for the money. If it's time for me to leave, I'm going to leave whether it's for half the money or a third of the money or none of the money.

 Will (Crockett) had her own office in the training room for a couple years. She had her own locker. ... Now, she never goes in there.

 Will had a great day,

 With Brittany, you're not quite sure what level she's at. She hasn't been able to practice much since the Big East tournament. It took a little toll on her. But even if she can play in a limited role, at least we have someone in the lane who can counteract some of the teams we can play. But how much, I don't know.

 With Brittany, you?re not sure what level she?s at. How much will she play during the tournament? I don?t know. How much can she play? I still don?t know.

 Yeah, we just woke up one night and she was gone. It was kind of like a camp, we check every night on our kids. We got up one morning and did her bed check and she was gone. Next thing you know, we're playing St. John's and there she was in the lineup. It was just one of those things.

 You always go into the NCAA tournament and make a couple of little, subtle adjustments. You may take something that looks like this and just add one piece or remove one piece, or move it around a little bit, but it still looks like this. With this group, what I did was I took some stuff that we did in November and I showed it to them again, and they think it's brand new.

 You can't change this all in one night. We are extremely flawed, as you can tell.

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