52 ordspråk av Gerard Burg

Gerard Burg

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 It's only political factors that are now holding prices above $60. Iran, Nigeria and Venezuela are potentially affecting supply flow that is driving the rally and is still providing support.

 It's the constant talk of attacks and military action that are heightening tensions again and helping push up prices. We should see a bit of a rebound in Chinese consumption this year. The market is going to remain very tight.

 Market focus will remain firmly on Iran, Nigeria and Venezuela and the potential for lower oil production from these countries in response to ongoing political crises.

 Natural gas production in the U.S is still not back up to 100 percent, and gas is the most commonly used heating fuel in the U.S,

 Obviously the main uncertainty in the steel market is the level of production from China. It's really the key uncertainty and that will impact on decisions made by steelmakers.

 Prices are expected to ease in 2007 as expanding refinery capacity reduces some of the bottleneck in that sector. However, the likely strength of oil demand, as well as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' intention to support higher prices will maintain crude oil prices at historically high levels.

 Reports of market tightness at the time of settlement play into contract prices.

 Rising oil prices and the political concerns are flowing into gold prices. Investors are the real factor driving the gold prices.

 Such an outcome would result in base metal prices falling well below our forecast levels.

 That area is solid with refining capacity. There's an element of panic in the market but that's not surprising given the lack of capacity worldwide at every level, refineries and oil wells.

 The big increase...is the pension funds that have been coming in.

 The big positive there was that refinery utilization appears to be on the rise now. The main one coming back on line was the BP Texas City refinery, so with that one coming back we should see further increases over the next few weeks.

 The crude figures were pretty bearish. Crude going up by almost 5 million barrels was more than people were expecting. Gasoline was broadly within expectations so there was little upside from that.

 The expectation is for a crude oil build and a modest decline in gasoline. These factors are at the fore until we hear more of the political issues in Iran.

 The key factor is Iran. The tension between Iran and the United States has increased a bit more, while Nigeria presents a consistent problem.

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