Meditation of the Lord is the highest of the deeds, through which myriads obtain release, through which the thirst (of desires) is quenched, through which one becomes all knowing, through which the fear of death goes away, through which all the desires are fulfilled, through which the dirt of the mind is cleansed and the Nectar of the Name of God is absorbed in the mind |
Meeting the Guru, I have found my Beloved Lord. I have made this body and mind a sacrifice, a sacrificial offering to the Lord. |
Meeting with the Guru, the soul bride s dress is transformed, and she is adorned with Truth. |
Men of other ,castes , who have unintentionally committed such crimes, ought to be deprived of their whole property, if ,they committed them intentionally, they shall be banished. |
Men who have no marital property in women, but sow their seed in the soil of others, benefit the owner of the woman, but the giver of the seed reaps no advantage. |
Mother and father all are subject to this love, in this love, they are entangled. |
My hopes and desires have been fulfilled, O my Lord. |
My mind and body, my mind and body I cut my body into pieces, and I dedicate these to Him. |
My mind has become disillusioned and renounced the world, obtaining the Blessed Vision of the Guru s Darshan, it has found peace. |
My mind is soothed and calmed, and all my thirst is quenched. |
My mind is soothed and calmed, the burning has ceased, and I have found all sorts of treasures. |
My mind, my mind the True Guru has blessed it with love. |
My True Guru, my True Guru is my Beloved, without the Guru, I cannot survive. |
Nanak knows this Truth, that the Lord is not separate from His Saints. |
Neither ancients nor moderns who were good men have done such ,a deed that, after promising ,a daughter to one man, they have her to another, Nor, indeed, have we heard, even in former creations, of such ,a thing as the covert sale of a daughter for a fixed price, called a nuptial fee. |