325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 It needs to stop, ... Every American has a right to look to law enforcement officials to protect their rights.

 It takes courage to come forward in situations like this and I urge anyone with information that may be helpful to the authorities to use these resources,

 It's clear to me that terrorists seize opportunities and they'll strike us any time they feel like they have the capacity of striking us,

 It's important that we have available the most serious penalties in a setting like this, ... I believe that the ultimate sanction ought to be available here.

 It's not a militarization of the border or a fortification of the border,

 It's our commitment to say that we will not allow people to run criminal operations to impair the lives and safety of Americans from their prison cells by sending messages, either knowingly or unknowingly, through their lawyers, ... This is a safe-guarded, carefully crafted program that doesn't infringe the rights of people.

 It's pretty clear that the networks that conduct these kinds of events are harbored and supported, sustained, protected by a variety of foreign governments, ... And it's time for those governments to understand with crystal clarity that the United States of America will not tolerate that kind of support for networks that would inflict that kind of damage on the American people.

 It's very important, because in most cases where children are seriously hurt or killed, they are killed during the early hours of the abduction, ... And so we want to have the alert not only be a substantial and broad alert, but it has to happen early and quickly. That's why it's important we have this additional funding and this coordination at the national level.

 It's very unlikely that all of those associated with the attacks of September 11 are now detained or have been detected, ... And that's why we need the kind of robust surveillance capacity that's provided for in the legislation. It's time for Congress to act.

 jihad and the martyrdom style as the only choice for liberation.

 Judges at the federal level are appointed for life,

 Just as neighborhood watch programs keep watch over their neighborhoods and report suspicious activity to law enforcement, Internet users now have a 'cyber community watch' program,

 Last month's Supreme Court ruling that federal judges are not bound by sentencing guidelines is a retreat from justice that may put the public's safety in jeopardy, ... Which of our daughters, wives and husbands -- are we willing to sacrifice to return to revolving door justice.

 Law-abiding Americans are enjoying unprecedented safety.

 Let there be no mistake: The Department of Justice will not tolerate acts of violence or discrimination against people in this country based on their national origin, religion or race,

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