325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 Individuals who commit treasonous acts against the United States will be held fully accountable, ... I will devote whatever resources are necessary within the department to ensure that justice is done in this case and any other case like it.

 investigation could become a criminal investigation.

 is dangerous and the perils are real.

 It has been almost three years since the attack on the USS Cole, but we have not forgotten this nation's commitment to bring justice to all those who plot murder and orchestrate terror, no matter how long they run or how far they flee,

 It is a disturbing and shocking view into the mindset of these terrorists, ... The letter provides instructions to the terrorists to be carried out both prior to and during the terrorist attacks.

 It is a unique set of circumstances that confront us, ... The Department of Justice must make special provisions to assist the needs of the survivors and victims' families in accordance with our responsibilities to carry out justice.

 It is entirely fitting that we stand under this survival tree. This tree scarred by disaster, which has yet found a way to persevere. The wounds will never completely heal yet it continues to grow.

 It is essential that I have the authority to quickly discipline or terminate individuals for acts of negligence, mismanagement or disregard for Department of Justice policies,

 It is extraordinary for the United States to have to charge one of its own citizens with aiding and conspiring with international terrorist groups whose agenda is to kill Americans,

 it is imperative that the ultimate sanction be available for those who have committed these crimes.

 It is important to note there is no specific threat being communicated to any specific institution, ... We are not changing our assessment of the overall national threat level, and we are not asking banks to close or urging people to stay away from banks.

 It is our goal to return parts of the Iraqi people's past. In doing so, we hope to return pieces of the Iraqi people's future.

 It is our hope that the release of these photographs will prompt others who may have seen the hijackers or been in contact with them to contact the FBI with any information they may have that would be helpful with the investigation,

 It is time to separate fully our service to legal immigrants who help build America ... from our enforcement against illegal aliens who violate the laws of America.

 It may well be that we have opportunists in the United States or terrorists in the United States who are acting in ways that are unrelated.

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