352 ordspråk av John Roberts

John Roberts

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 The right to privacy is protected under the Constitution in various ways,

 The sheriffs have just bent over backwards offering to help,

 The weather has been, started out about like this. Got horribly nasty for a while. Even had to put my gloves on which I hate to fish with but what the heck, I am still catching them that is what counts.

 Their official date to return is now June 5, but they will probably return a few weeks earlier to get the accumulated leave time that is due to them,

 Then they had tremendous popular support. This time it is clearer that the high prices are essentially out of the government's control.

 There are many areas where it appears I knew a lot more when I was 25 than I know now, when I'm 50, ... I certainly wouldn't write everything today as I wrote it back then, but I don't think any of us would do things or write things today as we did when we were 25 and had all the answers.

 There are situations that arise when an executive may determine that that type of action is necessary. That may be challenged,

 There has been a lot of support, and you need it in a time like this,

 There was no issue about condoning the behavior,

 there's no role for advocacy with respect to personal beliefs or views on the part of a judge.

 These small businesses are hungry to both learn about existing technologies and to deploy them in their day-to-day business operations. Because many are start-ups, they see selling products or services online as a way to generate revenue quickly.

 These were titles I carried.

 They apply and decide cases according to the judicial process, not on the basis of promises made earlier to get elected or promises made earlier to get confirmed,

 They like to switch defenses a lot. They also look like a good 3-point shooting team, so we will need to do a good job of guarding the perimeter.

 They've played together for a while. They have a feel for each other, and I would match those three up against any three defenders in the state.

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