33 ordspråk av Jon Brorson

Jon Brorson

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 Caterpillar had good numbers. That's got to help.

 Energy has been pretty darn strong even with the price of crude down. In fact, the only real negative sector is consumer discretionary, because of the horrendous consumer sentiment numbers.

 Energy's acting well even with the price of crude down thanks to the Exxon upgrade. That's why we're falling more on the positive side.

 Gold is very sensitive to inflation. If you're worried about inflation, you tend to see gains in gold.

 I don't think its going to have much of an impact.

 I don't think the trade data is that meaningful since it's sort of sandwiched between the FOMC and tomorrow's CPI.

 I think earnings will be good this quarter. The pre-announcement season was very innocuous.

 I would hope that the market will try to rally here, and bounce off these key support levels. If it doesn't bounce real quick in this area, we could have some real problems.

 I wouldn't be surprised if the market wakes up tomorrow and buys them (stocks) back again.

 It seems like maybe some new money may be coming to work at the start the new quarter.

 It seems the confluence of events, with Delphi, and the week you had last week, you start out here pretty tepid. I am not putting much stock in what the earnings are, but I think investors are waiting to hear what the companies would say about the outlook.

 It suggests we're looking, in the months ahead, at a correction. … A big, bad bear market? No. But a correction, especially in small and mid-cap stocks.

 It takes a long time, but because of inflation, world terror and a more stop-and-go business cycle, we think P/E multiples will be in a slow eroding phase, ... That means the market will be more of a cyclical trading market than a sustainable bull market, meaning you've got to buy when things look cheap and sell when they look expensive.

 Our forecast was for earnings to come in around 13 percent year-over-year growth, and they're on track to do it. They are surprisingly better than expected, and outlooks have been good, generally speaking.

 People are looking for commentary from Greenspan and other members of the Federal Reserve, ... Earnings have been great over the last year and half, but the market hasn't gone anywhere, and it's because the Fed's sitting on the market.

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