33 ordspråk av Jon Brorson

Jon Brorson

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 People are looking for commentary from Greenspan and other members of the Federal Reserve. Earnings have been great over the last year and half, but the market hasn't gone anywhere, and it's because the Fed's sitting on the market.

 People are real skittish after the sell-off on Friday. That was a pretty nasty bump.

 Sitting on the market has been this 800-pound gorilla, King Kong of the Federal Reserve, and when you remove this gorilla ... I think stocks can work their way higher.

 The choppiness we've had over the past couple weeks, the volatility, suggests stocks are vulnerable. It suggests we're looking, in the months ahead, at a correction in the marketplace.

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater than expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad,

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater than expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad.

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater-than- expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad,

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater-than- expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad.

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater-than-expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad,

 The GDP report looked pretty good, showing greater-than-expected strength, with inflation statistics not bad.

 The market is just awaiting for the earnings season to begin. October, for whatever the reason, always has a rough start. For some reason, the market has a problem with the month.

 They managed to rally after being down most of Friday, so I think some of that momentum will continue today. Crude is off a little bit, bonds are up, so I think it's setting the stage for a pretty good day today on the back of a pretty good week last week.

 Today, it can be summed up with GM, eBay and metals and mining stocks. It's all related to earnings, and it's a mixed bag.

 We got a lot of earnings and so far so good. The trend is going to be up, frankly, because the economy is chugging along, even with $74 dollar oil, amazingly.

 We might start the day with some gains in stocks on the back of the good reports that came this morning. But with concerns over oil, and inflation down the road, investors may take the opportunity to take some profits.

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