19 ordspråk av Matt Cullen

Matt Cullen

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 For us, it seemed like the puck didn't want to bounce in. You've got to give their goalie credit. He played well.

 He was the difference, there's no question about that.

 I don't think it's anything we'll store away in our memory banks for any reason. I think that when you start a playoff series, it's like starting fresh. It's seven games for everything.

 I don't think there was any question that he was the difference. He was dynamite.

 I had a lot to prove to myself, ... I felt like I had a lot more to give.

 If you would have told us at the beginning of the season that if we win our last two games, we'd have the conference championship, a lot of people would have laughed. We're happy, we're in a good position.

 It wasn't what we expected. You have to give Montreal credit. They are a very good team. They're an explosive team. They made the most of just about every one of their opportunities.

 It's a seven-game series and the best team is going to win it. They were better this time, and it was probably good for us. We have leadership and we have experience and we can, and will, bounce back.

 It's difficult to overstate the impact this has had on the community. We've taken on tons of projects in downtown that might not have been done otherwise. It's created a big spin-off of retail activities.

 It's no big deal. It's their job to get it right, but it should be consistent.

 It's where you want to be. And I don't think we've played our best hockey yet.

 The river is something that can transcend political boundaries.

 They capitalize on opportunities as good as anyone in the league. You can't give them any space, and if you do, you're going to pay.

 They packed it in and played well in front of Huet. But it's not how you start a series, it's how you finish it. Nothing really seemed to go well for us, certainly not on the power play, and not anywhere else. Give their goalie credit, he blocked a lot of shots, but we never were really creative.

 They're a great team that can play some really good hockey. These are going to be two very big games for us.

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