25 ordspråk av Max Messmer

Max Messmer

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 A good manager identifies ways to mitigate routine problems and respond quickly to unexpected ones, freeing up more time for bigger-picture issues.

 As the hiring environment has become increasingly competitive, demand for recent graduates has also risen.

 Before resigning from a position, consider whether or not you can improve the situation. ...In many instances, employers are made aware of an employee's dissatisfaction only after that individual resigns.

 Colleges and universities are responding to a changing accounting landscape. More courses are being offered in areas such as internal audit, enterprise risk management, forensic accounting, information technology and business ethics.

 Companies in the Mountain region are hiring experienced accountants to assist with growth initiatives. There are skills shortages within some in-demand specialties. To ensure they secure commitments from top financial professionals, many employers are accelerating the recruiting process and offering more competitive salary and benefits packages.

 Companies in the Pacific region, especially those in the real estate and construction industries, are adding staff to support growth initiatives. As the competition for candidates intensifies, many firms are experiencing a shortage of skilled accounting professionals and, as a result, find they must offer higher salaries and better benefits to secure the best people.

 Corporate governance mandates, new business practices and recently created regulatory agencies have made this a dynamic time for accounting and finance professionals at all levels, and have led to new opportunities and challenges. To succeed in this environment, accountants must go beyond their traditional roles of simply delivering financial data. Rather, they will need to discuss the implications of this data in the broad context of compliance and how it impacts other areas of the business.

 Education doesn't end with graduation. The first position out of college should provide learning opportunities that will serve as building blocks for future career success.

 Growing corporate expenses, including rising health care and energy costs, may be contributing to a more cautious hiring environment. However, skilled accountants are always in demand, particularly in the current market. Companies that proactively seek top professionals will be best prepared to take advantage of new business opportunities.

 Interviews provide an opportunity for employers to become more acquainted with applicants. Hiring managers are looking for candor, professionalism and a glimpse into the candidate's personality.

 Is the situation really a crisis? Do not treat every bump in the road as a disaster,

 It can cause undue stress and leave you and your staff unprepared for a true emergency.

 It is difficult to foresee and proactively address potential crises when you are caught up in day-to-day demands,

 Job seekers should take a moment to compose their thoughts before they speak and focus their comments on the specific knowledge and experience they can bring to the position. Interviews provide an opportunity for employers to become more acquainted with applicants. Hiring managers are looking for candor, professionalism and a glimpse into the candidate's personality.

 Many companies may be hesitant to increase employee compensation because of other expenses impacting the business, such as rising health-care and energy costs. But an overly cautious approach can be detrimental, particularly as the competition for top candidates intensifies.

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