25 ordspråk av Max Messmer

Max Messmer

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 Many of the companies that are hiring are doing so to accommodate business expansion activities during 2006. Firms also are adding full-time staff and working with consulting professionals for corporate governance-related compliance and remediation initiatives.

 Not knowing enough about the company or position, displaying a bad attitude or inquiring about compensation prematurely can all leave a negative impression with hiring managers. For job seekers, the interview represents a time to shine. Thorough preparation -- including researching the employer, rehearsing responses to common questions and understanding appropriate topics to discuss -- is the key to avoiding potential pitfalls.

 Skilled accountants are always in demand, and companies that proactively seek top candidates will be best prepared to take advantage of new business opportunities. A shrinking labor pool, created by low enrollment in accounting programs during the late 1990s and the expected exodus of millions of baby boomers from the workforce in the coming years, has intensified the competition for these professionals, mandating that recruiting be an ongoing process for companies of all sizes.

 The ability to build upon one's knowledge base is critical for next generation accountants. They must dedicate themselves to continuing education, including the pursuit of additional certifications, in order to move forward in their careers.

 The start of a new year provides an opportunity to take stock of one's career and outline steps for advancing to the next level. Managers and employees must continually develop their professional skills and abilities in order to reach their full potential and remain engaged at work.

 Thoughtful post-resume communication underscores the traits that companies are looking for. Being able to convey what they could bring to the position can give certain job seekers a significant advantage over less-proactive candidates.

 Turnover is costly for employers, so they seek candidates with a history of job stability.

 Whether communicating in writing or over the telephone, job seekers should demonstrate their knowledge of the company while reinforcing their qualifications and sincere interest in the position. This extra step can give professionals a significant advantage over less-proactive candidates.

 While no one should stay in a job where his or her efforts are consistently undervalued or unrewarded, changing jobs too often can affect your long-term career prospects,

 While no one should stay in a job where his or her efforts are consistently undervalued or unrewarded, changing jobs too often can affect your long-term career prospects.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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