731 ordspråk av Mike Hargrove

Mike Hargrove

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 It's difficult to give up on a guy who throws 94 mph. Things didn't work out for Matt here, but hopefully for him everything will come together for him in a different environment.

 It's going to be hard at times to stick to it. But I think for the future of Felix and future of this franchise and this organization, it's important we stay with it.

 It's good to get it under his belt so when he goes into next year, if things work out - and it looks like it has a chance to - he knows the lay of the land. So far, he's been pretty good about it.

 It's good to have them throw together. I think they can learn from each other a little bit.

 It's good to see the smiles on people's faces. It's good to hear the music in the clubhouse. It's good to be a Mariner right now.

 It's good to see.

 It's hard to really judge this. If this was two weeks from now and we had pitchers who didn't throw strikes, got behind and gave up a lot of hard-hit balls, didn't hit their spots, then that's when we will start forming opinions and making judgments.

 It's important for him to be here. It allows us to get some work in and get him started in the right direction before he goes. We want to get enough work done here to give him a good base so that when he comes back, he can pick it right up and not lose a lot.

 It's just a little different look. It's not a huge deal.

 It's just a matter of him getting settled in. And he will.

 It's kind of been perplexing not to be able to get Matt the at-bats.

 It's never easy to see guys like that leave the game. He provided a lot of thrills for his fans and a lot of chills for opposing managers. He certainly had a Hall of Fame career.

 It's not a stretch we're happy with. But we've been in one of those stretches where it seems a lot of bad things happen, when they all come back to bite you in the butt — hard.

 It's not just tonight; it's the culmination of a lot of things. There's time for patience. And then there's time to call them on this (garbage).

 It's not very typical of him to miss as badly as he missed. That was an indication that he was feeling it tonight. But he shut them down pretty good and came back and threw well.

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