731 ordspråk av Mike Hargrove

Mike Hargrove

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 It takes a lot of patience.

 It took a chunk out of the back of his finger.

 It was a chance to get their attention.

 It was a combination -- (Baltimore) threw well and we didn't hit well.

 It was a just a thought and it didn't take long to realize that it probably wasn't a good thought.

 It was a typical first game. Some good fielding plays and some ugly ones.

 It was certainly the most nerve-wracking way to go. But we'll benefit in the long run by having him ready for the rest of the month.

 It was good to see Ichiro enjoying himself. It was fun to watch all of it -- the Puerto Rico-Dominican Republic game the other night in San Juan (Monday) and they had 42,000 people there. It was fun.

 It was good to see. He might have muddied the picture a little bit.

 It was not a double steal.

 It was not the players' fault.

 It was one of those games. We had lots of chances to score and they made some great plays.

 It was painful for all of us to watch. It was painful for our fans, too. But it was the first time he'd done that so I'd think it was an aberration. He's pitched very well for us.

 It was the best way to go, ... and certainly the most nerve-racking.

 It wasn't a bad outing. it wasn't a great outing. It was just a Spring Training outing. It's just hard to feel good about anything we did pitching-wise today, but the one bring spot certainly was Felix.

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