87 ordspråk av Mike Moran

Mike Moran

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 I think the likelihood is that she will weather the storm on this,

 I think they will ease policy at that time,

 I told (Holmes) I wanted him to drive and draw help and he did, and Grady probably should have caught and shot it but instead he caught and tried to make a move on it.

 I'm exhausted. (Today) will be a good day off for us.

 I'm sure, consistent with his feelings of remorse about this, this was certainly, there was no political agenda in this. There was no political reason to do this. I think this was a matter of an incident that happened because of personal pressures.

 I'm using them in everything I build now. I've gotten 100 passes, at roughly 240 miles-per-hour each, without having to pull the bearings; that pretty much says it all.

 I?ve never seen anything like this before.

 If housing is sliding, the Fed will have to step up its aggressiveness.

 If the tone of the December report is similar to this one, the Fed could ease policy at [next month's] meeting.

 In the minds of some IOC members, a measure of a successful games is the money IOC obtains as its share that is passed along to all nations, ... There is a very businesslike, pragmatic approach that (IOC President Jacques) Rogge is demonstrating. The old ways of thinking about rotation of games has disappeared. I think it's a bottom line bid.

 Individuals may simply believe that the economy has turned and are acting accordingly.

 Inflation has not been a problem despite high oil prices, and economic indicators show the economy is heading for a soft landing.

 It is possible that a Danish rejection would further sour market sentiment regarding the euro and provide the market with an excuse to test the central banks' resolve to defend the currency, ... That could hurt the euro, and obviously indirectly help the dollar.

 It is possible that a Danish rejection would further sour market sentiment regarding the euro and provide the market with an excuse to test the central banks' resolve to defend the currency. That could hurt the euro, and obviously indirectly help the dollar.

 It was just their time to swing the bats. They're a heck of a team. They have very good hitters through the middle of the lineup, and that's what got us.

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