87 ordspråk av Mike Moran

Mike Moran

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 The results imply that housing activity is responding to higher interest rates. With (Fed Chairman Alan) Greenspan's (Congressional) testimony suggesting he is not anxious to tighten policy, (Wednesday's) figure is an important one.

 The results were encouraging, but enthusiasm should be restrained.

 The results were not especially promising for the outlook, ... Final demand was sluggish, and the slippage in the stock market could lead to caution on the part of consumers and businesses in coming quarters. We still look for the economy to expand, but today's report does not suggest that vigorous activity is on the horizon.

 The USOC made the decision within last decade to simply stop being an ATM.

 The USOC made the decision within the last decade to simply stop being an ATM.

 There are upside risks to inflation given the levels of oil prices and pressures from higher taxes.

 There couldn't have been a more nightmarish of a start than the one we had.

 There was not enough to lead you to the belief that he was contemplating an easing between meetings,

 There's enough uncertainty in the global context that you don't want to be adding to them with the domestic backdrop as well, ... But in some ways this is familiar territory for investors in the Philippines.

 They feel pressure on their marketing budgets, so they decided to streamline marketing across the board. They're not supporting as many publications and events as before in 2006.

 This is the type of game where you want to, first, get off to a good start, playing good defense and getting some quick points, and then, establish a good flow to the game by letting the offense work through the patterns we set.

 This was kind of Noah's coming-out game. Going into it we knew we were going to find out whether or not he was going to deal with that pressure. For that stretch in the third period, he more or less carried us offensively.

 We advertise our brands wherever it makes business sense. Jaguar and Land Rover continue to face pressure on their marketing budgets and can't support as many publications next year.

 We couldn't get over the hump. Offensively we were pretty bad. I think we shot 13 percent in the first half. You're not going to beat anybody like that, especially a team that has won 28 games.

 We don't have any guarantees people are going to buy it. It has to be market-driven.

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