412 ordspråk av Mike Tice

Mike Tice

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 Jon is a very good coach, ... He knows that Brad is going to give us some information so he's going to change things. We'll have to learn what the changes are as the game progresses.

 Keith plays special teams, he plays linebacker, he plays rush defensive end. We have a 3-4 package that we named after him. He can rush the passer, he is doing a real good job playing coverage. ... Those are the kind of players that you need to win.

 Knowledge is confidence, and knowledge gives players a chance to play fast,

 Leading the league in interceptions is a big turnaround from where we were a year ago.

 Let's talk about Chicago. It's Friday. It's been a long week, very emotionally drained. I hope you can appreciate that.

 Look, when you go to some stadiums, it's so deafening that you can't hear. When you have 15,000-20,000 of the opponent's fans in there, it's not deafening. There is a difference. The fans that were there were great. But it wasn't like a big game when it's just your guys in there.

 Marcus is our guy. But young players tend to compound their mistakes with another mistake right after it. So we just take him out, settle him down and put him back in.

 Marcus Johnson is our guy. We all have to understand, as coaches, ownership, personnel department, fans, media is that when we put a young guy in there he is going to have some moments where he struggles.

 Marcus was at the top of our list of receivers in free agency, and the only one we targeted as someone we wanted. To get a guy who has played at such a high level in this league is exciting. We haven't had a player of this caliber on the other side of Randy [Moss] since Cris.

 Maybe, in their defense, they sold the tickets when ... we were 2-5. Maybe they said, 'The heck with it. I'm not going to that.' Maybe that's the case. Or maybe Pittsburgh fans are just a little more diehard than our fans.

 Mike will have an MRI performed today at 2:30 and will be evaluated on a day-to-day basis, ... Going by past history he will be ready to perform.

 Mike's got to earn his way back into the fold. ... At this point right now I don't have any inclination to start him.

 My wife is going to go back and forth for the first year... so it's going to be a tough go for us. This will be a challenge for our family, but we'll battle our way through it.

 No, he didn't get pushed back. I think he just turned around and made the tackle, our center did. I don't think we played any type of winning football offensively, especially in the second half.

 No. No. No. No. When you have eight tackles for losses against you, I don't see that as being a sign that you're one of the better teams in the league.

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