412 ordspråk av Mike Tice

Mike Tice

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 Personally, I don't foresee him playing this week.

 Potentially, yes, because we have so many young stallions. And now we have some guys who can teach them how to be pros. That's the key. We've got plenty of young stallions, I promise you. Look at our roster. But we needed some veterans to show them how to be good pros. We've got some of those guys now.

 Probably his best two road games of his career. I think he just settled down. He was getting himself in a funk with the crowd noise. He's worked real hard on it and he's gotten better at it.

 Quite frankly, five weeks ago Mr. Wilf indicated that I would be the head coach for the rest of the season. I would have no reason to doubt who I believe is an honest man, a forthcoming man. But it's not my job to go out and tell everybody that I'm not worried about my job.

 Quite honestly, it's unfortunate that he got hurt ? especially if he can't kick this week, ... Then, put two and two together.

 Randy and his agent are not demanding a trade and we are not looking to trade him. We are not shopping Randy Moss.

 Randy strained his right hamstring. I saw him today; he's been in for treatment twice. We'll see. He could be up in some sort of a role, minimal role, or we can rest him.

 Randy was making great strides in maturing as a man and a football player. Obviously this is a setback.

 Redemption is good. All of us by nature have tremendous pride in what we do. We not only have Ted and Sam wanting to prove themselves, we have some other guys who want to prove themselves.

 Right after the first Green Bay game, (a 34-31, Nov. 14 Vikings loss), I made us take everything out,

 Right now Mike has to earn his way back onto the field. Does that mean participating in special teams returning kicks? It probably does to be honest with you. You know the old adage, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it?' Well I think that comes into play in this situation.

 Right now our team believes they can play with anybody on our schedule, and I think they deserve to believe that. When you're playing a 'black-and-blue' division opponent, you always have the mentality of a street fight because that's what those games turn into. They turn into ugly, physical contests and we have to be prepared for that type of game.

 Right now, Mike's out, so I'm moving forward, even for Tampa without Mike. I don't see Mike being anything but an outside shot for Tampa.

 Rod is a really good run stopper, ... Playing against a run team, Rod is going to be in his element. If Rod had to start, this is the perfect type of team for Rod to start against.

 Scott is a very talented coach and it certainly didn't help things.

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