496 ordspråk av Nick Saban

Nick Saban

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 We thought we could bat a lot of balls on him, and have some players who are athletes. When you're pressuring, getting as close to the quarterback as you are, that's got to be an advantage for you. You can't just cover on the back end.

 We tried to create a little bit of an identity as a team today. I'm proud of the effort that we put in and the way we persevered and overcame adversity. The big thing that this team did today was they had a little tenacity, a little perseverance. And I think that's something you definitely need in this league relative to the competitive balance and what you have to do to win games.

 We tried to put ourselves in a position that that wouldn't be a factor for us right now.

 We try to prevent health problems from happening. We space practices out where you have two meals and two opportunities to get hydrated.

 We understand the serious nature of the charges and certainly don't condone in any way the type of conduct which has been alleged. However, we will not make a comment about this specific matter until we collect more information.

 We want to duplicate enthusiasm and team energy,

 We want to pick the quarterback that's going to give us the best opportunity to win. I'm not prepared after watching that game to make a statement about that.

 We want to see guys compete so we can know whether they need to be here, we want them to be here and if they are the kind of people we want. The record doesn't really matter, the result doesn't matter and the score in the game doesn't really matter.

 We want to support every player, and I think every player knows he has a responsibility for what to do and what not to do. As a coach, I also feel a responsibility to put a player in the best situation possible so he can have success.

 We went ahead and took the guy we could get. If the opportunity presents itself to get a quality, young quarterback in the draft, we will do it.

 We were recruiting a player who had a coach from another school using the NFL as a negative about our program, ... The player said to him -- and I'm not making this up -- 'If the coach of your school is so good, why aren't they trying to hire him in the NFL?'

 We were very effective using both of those guys. I think we're learning and growing on how we do that.

 We were very fortunate that we were able to sign a free agent who turned out to be even better than maybe we thought in his ability to snap and protect. From a business standpoint, it always makes sense to go with the younger guy.

 We will establish a plan for it and I'm sure that he will make a commitment to the plan and do everything that he can to do it.

 We worked hard for four years to get here and I really enjoy it, quite frankly, and wasn't really anxious just to walk away from it,

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