5 ordspråk av Peter Moores

Peter Moores

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 A lot of the lads have been at the Academy this winter so we have been training quite hard in indoor school, so to get outside and get a bit of Caribbean sunshine and get some competitive cricket is very exciting for everybody. So we are looking forward to it.

 It will be great experience for them.

 It's a bit of both. Obviously, it is a concurrent tour we have the standby players for the India tour with us. It is very exciting for all the players here because if they play well and somebody gets injured on that main tour they have got a chance of moving up.

 It's a good fixture because it's at the right time of year when everybody wants to play and just gives an opportunity to play some potential England players together.

 Loudon looked a really good player today, very simple, calm at the crease. It was a very, very good hundred.

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