362 ordspråk av Ray Nagin

Ray Nagin

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 Walk in the Spirit.

 We anticipate that we could receive a storm surge of three to five feet. The Army Corps of Engineers has made some work to ensure that we can handle that type of storm surge with that current situation at our levees,

 We are encouraged about what has been accomplished,

 We are facing a storm that most of us have long feared,

 We are facing the storm that most of us have feared, ... The Big Easy.

 We are going to lose a significant portion of our population

 We are gonna need Ash Wednesday because we're gonna let it ALL hang out on Fat Tuesday.

 We are in lockdown mode now,

 We are just not able to put together the financing necessary to maintain staffing at City Hall at its current level, ... We have no revenue stream and the prospect of getting revenue streams is pretty dicey. I think we can limp along for another month or two, but beyond two months we'll have to see.

 We are just not able to put together the financing necessary to maintain staffing at City Hall at its current level, ... We have no revenue stream, and the prospect of getting revenue streams is pretty dicey. I think we can limp along for another month or two, but beyond two months we'll have to see.

 We are looking at 12 to 16 weeks before people can come in, ... and the other issue that's concerning me is we have dead bodies in the water.

 We are not letting our guards down, because as you know these hurricanes can change,

 We are not taking any crap, ... If you come back to this city and you think it's going to be the way it was before, we have a rude awakening for you.

 We are prepared as a city to put on the best Mardi Gras that we have ever seen.

 We are suspending all re-entry into the city of New Orleans,

Sidan 20 av 25
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