362 ordspråk av Ray Nagin

Ray Nagin

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 We should be in pretty good shape from a law enforcement standpoint as we move forward.

 We want (FEMA) to allow us to get back to New Orleans and find an appropriate place to bury the people of New Orleans, ... We will find a plot. We will find a place. We will erect a memorial.

 We want our Saints, we may not want the owner back.

 We want to bring New Orleans back. Rita set us back about three to five days, but we are very much on schedule, ... We will begin the re-entry plan with business owners and residents of Algiers. Then we will stop, assess our progress, and move on to the previously targeted zip codes.

 We want you to come prepared with your eyes wide open as it relates to what you might see,

 We want you to take this very seriously,

 We want you to take this very seriously, ... This not a test. This is the real deal. And I don't want to panic you but I wanted to make sure you understand.

 We will have life. We will have commerce. We will have people getting back into their normal modes of operation.

 We will not go bankrupt,

 we'll have to make another tough call.

 We're a lot smarter this time around,

 We're at a time in our history right now where we can move our state forward as never seen before or we can continue to languish in mediocrity and complacency, ... I choose to move forward and help write this history, not just be part of it.

 We're bringing New Orleans back,

 We're bringing New Orleans back, ... We're bringing this culture back. We're bringing this music back. I'm tired of hearing these helicopters. I want to hear some jazz.

 We're getting reports and calls that [are] breaking my heart from people saying, 'I've been in my attic. I can't take it anymore. The water is up to my neck. I don't think I can hold out.' And that's happening as we speak.

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