A big advantage of SNPLMA is being able to (apply for) multi-year projects. Projects used to end each fiscal year so it was difficult to look long-term. |
Each community will devise for themselves their own community vision. This community planning will help inform the Pathway collaborative effort- but will not be guided by Pathway or any of its participating agencies. |
For some of the bigger areas, the more we get done, the more we discover there is to do. |
Historically it's a seasonal marsh. We will have to evaluate the property and see what can and cannot be done to restore the marshland or responsibly keep the lake intact. |
I think (people) have to remember that any acquisition goes through a long process before it gets funded. |
It's a long, comprehensive, intensive process. Not something anyone takes lightly. |
It's true. We're really working hard to make Incline Lake a reality, but that doesn't mean that we're not focused on other projects to improve the basin - sometimes big projects. |
The forum will begin work on strategies - the how and what of the planning phase. |
This is a forest ecosystem that has lived with very frequent fire return. The ecosystem here has developed and is dependent on that. There is no ecosystem replacement for it. |
This is a forest ecosystem that has lived with very frequent fire. The ecosystem here has developed and is dependent on that. There is no ecosystem replacement for it. |
Until such time as the Forest Service selects a remedy or remedies for the site and costs are more definite, it is premature for the parties to enter into mediation. |
We don't have any word for sure. On the record, I know what you know - which is wait for the announcement ... but there has been speculation. |
We go through phases. So far we don't have anything complete except for portions of projects. |
We're going to work with agencies like TRPA and take a look at the entire basin. It used to be just look at immediate needs to reduce fuel but now we have a way to focus long-term, and the technology is there to connect that. |
We're just getting going with (fuels) reduction and projects that will really help the watershed. I think we're starting to get a handle on the kinds of tangible projects that will make both immediate and long-term impact(s). |