He(God) gave all beings souls, bodies, mouths, noses and water to drink. He gave them corn to eat, clothes to wear, and other pleasures to enjoy. But they do not remember the One who gave them all this. The animals think that they made themselves! |
Hearing lord's Name, the Messenger of Death will release you, and yet, you do not enter His Sanctuary! |
Hearing of You, I live. You are my Beloved, my Lord and Master, Utterly Great. You alone know Your Ways; I grasp Your Support, Lord of the World. |
Hearing of Your Glories again and again, Your devotees meditate on You; they are attuned to You, O Lord, Treasure of Excellence. |
Heat up the sun energy of the right nostril, and cool down the moon energy of the left nostril; practicing this breath-control, bring them into perfect balance. |
Her body and her status shall not go with her to the world hereafter. Where she is called to answer for her account, there, she shall be emancipated only by true actions. |
Her marriage is eternal; her Husband is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible. O Servant Nanak, His Love is her only Support. |
Here and hereafter, You are our Protector. In the womb of the mother, You cherish and nurture the baby. |
His efforts has made load of my karma been removed, and I am now free of karma. |
His humble devotees are protected and saved; He Himself showers His Blessings upon us. |
His Lotus Feet dwell in the minds of His devotees. Without the Transcendent Lord, all are plundered. I long for the dust of the feet of His humble servants. The Name of the True Lord is my decoration. |
His Place and His Name are not known, no one knows how great is His Name. How great is that place where my Sovereign Lord dwells? No one can reach it; whom shall I go and ask? |
His Value cannot be estimated. The Lord God is my Friend and Companion. |
Honor is obtained by eating this tasty dish; of all gifts, this is the greatest gift. |
How can happiness be found, O my Siblings of Destiny? How can the Lord, our Help and Support, be found? |