He is called the Most Perfect of the Perfect. He sits upon His Perfect Throne. He looks so Beautiful in His Perfect Place. He fulfills the hopes of the hopeless. O Nanak, if one obtains the Perfect Lord, how can his virtues decrease? |
He is not concerned with deliverance or bondage. Nanak has obtained the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints. |
He is not obtained by mouthing mere words, but by rooting out ego from within. Meeting the True Guru, one is permeated forever with the Fear of God, who Himself comes to dwell within the mind. |
He is the Giver of peace to the breath of life, the Giver of life to the soul; how can one forget Him |
He is the Giver of Peace, the Destroyer of pain. He gives and forgives all beings. He Himself nurtures and cherishes His Creation. I fall at His Feet and surrender to Him. |
He is the Master who has made the world bloom; He makes the Universe blossom forth, fresh and green. |
He is the slave of the Lord's slaves. |
He makes jewels out of the dust, and He managed to preserve you in the womb. He has given you fame and greatness; meditate on that God, twenty-four hours a day. |
He may be called a chief, an emperor, a king, a governor or a lord; he may present himself as a leader or a chief, but this just burns him in the fire of egotistical pride. |
He placed the soul in the body which He had fashioned. He protects the Creation which He has created. With their eyes, they see, and with their tongues, they speak; with their ears, they bring the mind to awareness. With their feet, they walk, and with their hands, they work; they wear and eat whatever is given. |
He seeks no advice when He builds; He seeks no advice when He destroys. He seeks no advice while giving or taking. He alone knows His Creative Power; He Himself does all deeds. He beholds all in His Vision. He gives to those with whom He is pleased. |
He sees the True One pervading the whole world; he is imbued with the True One. I have become cool and tranquil, knowing God, through the Guru. |
He stages all His wondrous plays, and watches them. |
He transformed me, the fool, into a fine speaker, and He made the unconscious become conscious; by His Grace, I have obtained the nine treasures. May I never forget that God from my mind. |
He, whom the Lord and Master dresses in the robes of honor, is not called to answer for his account any longer. Nanak is a sacrifice to that servant. He is the pearl of the deep and unfathomable Ocean of God. |