16 ordspråk av Stephanie Cutter

Stephanie Cutter

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 has broad support across the state.

 If we aren't viable, we will reach out to all campaigns, ... Because this is not about cutting secret deals, this is about beating George Bush.

 if, A, we could have paid for it, and, B, we had a responsible policy in Iraq.

 It will be an issue. When it comes down to it, he's on the wrong side of civil rights.

 Ridiculous, ... there is nothing like Iowa and New Hampshire to make somebody look better.

 Senator Kennedy has been waiting for the right invitation.

 Senator Kennedy has been waiting for the right invitation. He's a huge fan of Jon Stewart and he's very much looking forward to this.

 The White House is not entitled to cherry-pick facts out of these private conversations when they need to put out a fire.

 use wedge issues and the politics of fear to divide the nation.

 We are calling the Pinellas County Democratic Party chair about this ad and demand that it be retracted, ... John Kerry does not condone this type of advertising and believes that it is wrong.

 We hope that those who want to see change in America, and to return to a track of prosperity and progress, better health care and new and better jobs, will unite behind the Democratic nominee for president -- whoever that may be.

 We need to get Americans working again. We're not going to do that with tax cuts for the wealthy. We need to invest in middle America.

 Wesley Clark's football allegiances seem to be as flexible as his party affiliation, ... He is planning on donning a Pats jersey and airing a special commercial during this weekend's game, the ultimate in pandering to New England football fans. But where does Wes Clark truly stand on football allegiances?

 Wesley Clark's football allegiances seem to be as flexible as his party affiliation. He is planning on donning a Pats jersey and airing a special commercial during this weekend's game, the ultimate in pandering to New England football fans. But where does Wes Clark truly stand on football allegiances?

 What is news if you have great pictures?

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